Eight accomplished individuals will inspire and celebrate UNH graduates, and receive honorary degrees

Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Two female students give the thumbs up at commencement

The University of New Hampshire today announced the speakers for its commencement ceremonies this May.

“我们期待着这些成功人士分享他们从大学过渡到更广阔世界的智慧,以及UNH经历的价值,” UNH President James W. Dean, Jr. said. “与学生和他们的家人聚在一起庆祝他们的学术成就,欢迎他们加入野猫校友会,这总是令人振奋的.”

The commencement speakers are:

College of Liberal Arts — Katie Stringham Bouton ’96,  CEO, Tavo & Former CEO, Koya Partners

Katie Stringham Bouton

Katie Bouton在高管搜索和组织发展方面拥有20多年的经验, 在领先的国家和国际组织建立高级领导团队. 溥敦于2004年创立了Koya Leadership Partners,为使命驱动型组织招募非常有才华的领导者. Koya被福布斯评为美国最佳高管猎头公司之一,被Hunt Scanlon Media评为增长最快的50家高管猎头公司之一.

Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics — Ryan Day ’02, Head Football Coach for The Ohio State University

Ryan Day

Ryan Day is the head football coach at The Ohio State University, having guided the Buckeyes to a 45-6 record in four seasons (2019-22), including a 31-2 record against Big Ten Conference competition, back-to-back Big Ten championships in 2019 and 2020, and Sugar Bowl (2020) and Rose Bowl (2021) victories. Day has coached 18 first-team All-Americans, six consecutive Big Ten Quarterback of the Year honorees, 连续五次获得十大最佳进攻球员,五次进入海斯曼杯决赛. He has also coached 16 NFL Draft picks and nine first-round NFL draft picks.


Christine McMahon

McMahon于2009年加入Fedcap,担任总裁兼首席执行官,并带领该组织从一家以纽约市为基础的单一服务非营利组织发展成为一家拥有国际足迹的组织. Fedcap集团通过四个项目领域为经济福祉障碍人群创造机会并改善他们的生活:劳动力发展,包括高增长行业的就业培训, job placement and post placement supports; educational services for children, youth and adults; health services that promote stable participation in the workforce; and economic development targeted to helping people and communities achieve economic equity.

College of Life Sciences and Agriculture — Michael Paglia Msc ’02G, Chief Technology Officer, ElevateBio BaseCamp

Michael Paglia

 Paglia is the chief technology officer at ElevateBio BaseCamp, a technology-driven company commercializing its enabling technologies, 通过伙伴关系加速开发治疗人类疾病的基因药物,提高制造能力和行业领先的专业知识. He has more than two decades of experience in biotechnology, 在建立和激励工艺开发和制造团队方面发挥关键作用, 包括领导了四种被批准的自体细胞疗法的早期过程开发和制造. 

College of Professional Studies — Michael D. Smith, CEO, AmeriCorps National Service

Michael D. Smith

迈克尔·史密斯(Michael Smith)是美国服务队(AmeriCorps)的首席执行官。美国服务队是一家提供服务和志愿服务的联邦机构. 史密斯的职业生涯致力于社会正义,为服务不足社区的儿童和家庭减少障碍,扩大机会, like those where he grew up. During his tenure at AmeriCorps, Smith has sharpened the agency’s focus on equity, investing in what works and uniting communities through the power of service. Previously, 他曾在奥巴马总统的白宫担任总统特别助理和内阁事务高级主任, overseeing the My Brother’s Keeper initiative and interagency task force. My Brother’s Keeper led to new federal policy initiatives and grant programs; tens of thousands of new mentors; more than 250 MBK communities; and more than $1 billion in private sector and philanthropic investments.

Graduate School — Roger Stephenson ’79, ’83G, 忧思科学家联盟气候与能源项目东北地区宣传主任.

Roger Stephenson

Prior to his recent retirement, 罗杰·斯蒂芬森的上一份工作是在忧思科学家联盟担任东北地区气候与能源项目倡导主任. In his role at UCS, 他与分析师和竞选经理合作,扩大了该项目的外展范围,并吸引了UCS的支持者, 科学网络成员和社区领袖推动州和联邦气候和清洁能源政策.

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences — Norbu Tenzing ’86, Vice President of the American Himalayan Foundation

Norbu Tenzing

Norbu Tenzing has served as vice president of the American Himalayan Foundation, a nonprofit that brings shelter, safety, health and opportunity to people across the Himalaya, since 1993. The American Himalayan Foundation supports vital education, 整个喜马拉雅地区的医疗保健,文化和环境保护,每年都影响着300人的生活,000 Sherpas, Nepalis and Tibetans.

UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law — Kathi Vidal, 主管知识产权的商务部副部长兼美国专利商标局局长

Kathi Vidal

As Director of the USPTO, Vidal is working to expand American innovation for and from all, and to bring more ideas to impact. She leads one of the largest intellectual property offices in the world, with more than 13,000 public servants and an annual budget of more than $4 billion. She is the principal IP advisor to the President and the Administration, through the Secretary of Commerce, and is focused on incentivizing and protecting U.S. innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity.

UNH’s Commencement ceremonies will take place between Friday, May 17 and Sunday, May 19, 2024, in the Whittemore Center Arena, with the exception of the UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law’s ceremony, which will take place in Concord’s White Park.

Jeremy Gasowski | UNH Marketing | jeremy.gasowski@littletree-usa.com | 603-862-4465